Rental Skis & Poles
Delivered to your Chalet | Adjusted to your Ski Boot
All Mountain and On-Piste Skis and Poles
Ski Adventures maintains an inventory of all-mountain and on-piste skis for the exclusive use of Ski Adventures and SSVH guests.
Many guests enjoy NOT bringing their own skis on holiday, as it makes the travel easier and more relaxing. As well, it avoids the airline charges for extra and/or overweight luggage.
Ski Adventures does NOT rent ski boots so please pack these,
or these can be rented in the village rental shop.
Simply download the rental booking form (see icon immediate below this paragraph), complete and return. We will confirm receipt of your booking form by email.
Once you have arrived at your accommodation and called our Guest Services staff (per your welcome letter in the chalet), we will collect your ski boots and return with your fully adjusted skis and poles, and you ski boot of course.
The skis will be tuned and hand iron in waxed to deliver the best skiing experience from the equipment. Please do book early to avoid dissappointment.